The directories linked below contain current software releases from the Apache Software Foundation projects. Older non-recommended releases can be found on our archive site.
To find the right download for a particular project, you should start at the project's own webpage or on our project resource listing rather than browsing the links below.
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Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
accumulo/ 13-Aug-2024 02:02 -
activemq/ 13-Jan-2025 08:27 -
age/ 26-Jan-2024 01:48 -
airavata/ 10-Dec-2024 18:09 -
airflow/ 10-Feb-2025 10:43 -
allura/ 21-Jun-2024 19:52 -
ambari/ 20-Dec-2024 04:50 -
answer/ 10-Feb-2025 05:02 -
ant/ 29-Aug-2024 15:41 -
any23/ 03-Jul-2023 15:18 -
apex/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
apisix/ 17-Oct-2024 04:33 -
apr/ 03-Mar-2025 11:23 -
archiva/ 25-Apr-2024 15:23 -
aries/ 22-Apr-2024 12:40 -
arrow/ 27-Feb-2025 15:36 -
asterixdb/ 03-Apr-2024 22:17 -
atlas/ 02-Jan-2025 06:09 -
aurora/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
avro/ 05-Aug-2024 14:06 -
axis/ 17-Jun-2022 13:19 -
bahir/ 25-Apr-2024 15:26 -
beam/ 18-Feb-2025 18:10 -
bigtop/ 08-Jul-2024 13:52 -
bloodhound/ 23-Jul-2024 14:06 -
bookkeeper/ 26-Jun-2024 16:20 -
brooklyn/ 19-Feb-2024 22:21 -
brpc/ 23-Jan-2025 04:15 -
buildr/ 03-Aug-2022 16:32 -
buildstream/ 23-Dec-2024 11:35 -
bval/ 23-Jul-2024 13:11 -
calcite/ 23-Feb-2025 23:21 -
camel/ 03-Oct-2024 15:14 -
carbondata/ 25-Nov-2023 12:40 -
cassandra/ 18-Feb-2025 00:57 -
causeway/ 05-Jan-2025 10:23 -
cayenne/ 09-Sep-2024 16:12 -
celeborn/ 06-Jan-2025 09:28 -
celix/ 01-Oct-2023 11:41 -
chemistry/ 17-Jun-2022 14:48 -
chukwa/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
clerezza/ 11-Jul-2022 16:49 -
climate/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
cloudstack/ 15-Oct-2024 14:48 -
cocoon/ 27-Jan-2025 16:45 -
commons/ 20-Apr-2024 18:58 -
cordova/ 23-Oct-2024 00:54 -
couchdb/ 30-Dec-2022 15:49 -
creadur/ 28-Jan-2024 21:17 -
crunch/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
ctakes/ 10-Aug-2022 15:57 -
curator/ 13-Oct-2024 12:18 -
cxf/ 13-Dec-2024 16:26 -
daffodil/ 21-Jan-2025 22:45 -
datafu/ 14-Jan-2024 19:56 -
datafusion/ 23-Feb-2025 14:04 -
datasketches/ 14-Jan-2025 03:12 -
db/ 17-Jun-2022 13:28 -
deltaspike/ 17-Jun-2022 14:32 -
directory/ 11-Feb-2025 13:27 -
dolphinscheduler/ 16-Jul-2024 05:19 -
doris/ 10-Dec-2024 09:36 -
drill/ 23-Jun-2024 08:44 -
druid/ 11-Feb-2025 05:04 -
dubbo/ 26-Jan-2025 12:31 -
eagle/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
echarts/ 28-Dec-2024 07:59 -
empire-db/ 25-Jun-2024 15:39 -
eventmesh/ 30-Dec-2024 04:37 -
falcon/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
felix/ 05-Feb-2025 07:47 -
fineract/ 31-Dec-2024 05:07 -
flagon/ 03-Apr-2024 23:31 -
flex/ 20-Feb-2023 23:55 -
flink/ 24-Feb-2025 10:00 -
flume/ 02-Apr-2023 18:52 -
fluo/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
forrest/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
freemarker/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
geode/ 10-Oct-2022 22:13 -
geronimo/ 23-Mar-2024 20:41 -
giraph/ 30-Oct-2023 12:55 -
gobblin/ 31-Aug-2023 05:45 -
gora/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
griffin/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
groovy/ 28-Feb-2025 05:10 -
guacamole/ 05-Apr-2024 19:39 -
hadoop/ 17-Jun-2022 13:31 -
hawq/ 23-Jul-2024 14:06 -
hbase/ 20-Feb-2025 15:43 -
helix/ 03-Feb-2025 19:56 -
hive/ 08-Oct-2024 12:08 -
hop/ 17-Feb-2025 14:18 -
httpcomponents/ 03-Sep-2022 19:01 -
httpd/ 23-Jan-2025 21:50 -
hudi/ 08-Feb-2025 20:56 -
iceberg/ 28-Feb-2025 08:32 -
ignite/ 13-Feb-2025 09:51 -
impala/ 30-Jan-2025 11:22 -
incubator/ 04-Feb-2025 13:48 -
inlong/ 11-Feb-2025 12:28 -
iotdb/ 16-Feb-2025 12:10 -
jackrabbit/ 12-Oct-2024 09:32 -
james/ 26-Feb-2025 06:21 -
jclouds/ 30-Jan-2025 05:48 -
jena/ 21-Jan-2025 15:56 -
jmeter/ 07-Jan-2024 18:10 -
johnzon/ 01-Apr-2024 20:27 -
jspwiki/ 17-Jun-2024 11:57 -
juddi/ 27-Feb-2023 21:15 -
juneau/ 05-Sep-2023 14:59 -
kafka/ 14-Dec-2024 00:56 -
karaf/ 24-Jan-2025 11:17 -
knox/ 24-Feb-2023 22:00 -
kudu/ 06-Nov-2024 22:59 -
kvrocks/ 07-Feb-2025 13:20 -
kylin/ 27-Sep-2024 17:31 -
kyuubi/ 28-Dec-2024 04:32 -
lens/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
libcloud/ 10-Aug-2023 09:09 -
linkis/ 06-Jan-2025 15:05 -
logging/ 10-Oct-2024 05:11 -
lucene/ 30-May-2024 22:48 -
lucenenet/ 29-Oct-2024 13:19 -
madlib/ 08-Sep-2023 20:25 -
mahout/ 17-Jun-2022 14:35 -
manifoldcf/ 10-Feb-2025 10:16 -
marmotta/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
maven/ 03-Mar-2025 11:23 -
mesos/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
metamodel/ 17-Jun-2022 14:53 -
metron/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
mina/ 10-May-2023 22:27 -
mnemonic/ 17-Jun-2022 13:46 -
mxnet/ 17-Nov-2023 17:19 -
myfaces/ 24-Jan-2024 21:23 -
mynewt/ 25-Nov-2024 11:59 -
netbeans/ 10-Jan-2025 01:19 -
nifi/ 27-Jan-2025 23:04 -
nutch/ 25-Apr-2024 06:27 -
nuttx/ 06-Jan-2025 08:40 -
ode/ 17-Jun-2022 14:34 -
ofbiz/ 03-Mar-2025 11:23 -
olingo/ 22-Oct-2023 14:31 -
oodt/ 03-Jul-2023 20:25 -
oozie/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
opendal/ 24-Feb-2025 07:55 -
openjpa/ 23-Sep-2024 11:43 -
openmeetings/ 04-Jan-2025 04:36 -
opennlp/ 10-Jan-2025 09:15 -
openwebbeans/ 18-Feb-2024 19:58 -
openwhisk/ 01-Oct-2024 15:59 -
orc/ 10-Jan-2025 08:35 -
ozone/ 24-Nov-2024 13:41 -
paimon/ 10-Feb-2025 04:35 -
parquet/ 03-Dec-2024 02:12 -
pdfbox/ 23-Jan-2025 18:52 -
pekko/ 09-Feb-2025 12:00 -
perl/ 21-Oct-2023 12:06 -
phoenix/ 12-Nov-2024 13:04 -
pig/ 17-Jun-2022 14:56 -
pinot/ 17-Feb-2025 02:46 -
pivot/ 17-Jun-2022 14:56 -
plc4x/ 20-Feb-2024 08:28 -
poi/ 08-Jan-2025 20:53 -
portals/ 17-Jun-2022 14:53 -
predictionio/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
pulsar/ 27-Feb-2025 12:39 -
qpid/ 14-Nov-2022 16:04 -
ranger/ 14-Feb-2025 00:16 -
ratis/ 16-Jan-2025 07:40 -
reef/ 03-Aug-2022 20:31 -
river/ 17-Jun-2022 14:48 -
rocketmq/ 09-Oct-2024 09:32 -
roller/ 30-Jul-2023 19:17 -
royale/ 07-Dec-2024 22:59 -
rya/ 17-Jun-2022 14:27 -
samza/ 13-Jan-2023 23:57 -
santuario/ 05-Nov-2024 07:41 -
sdap/ 04-Nov-2024 16:48 -
seatunnel/ 16-Jan-2025 02:41 -
sedona/ 02-Dec-2024 04:59 -
sentry/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
serf/ 31-May-2023 20:33 -
servicecomb/ 08-Aug-2022 11:17 -
servicemix/ 17-Jun-2022 14:39 -
shardingsphere/ 22-Jan-2025 12:37 -
shenyu/ 15-Jan-2025 03:53 -
shiro/ 13-Nov-2024 21:09 -
singa/ 08-Sep-2024 13:58 -
sis/ 12-Oct-2023 18:04 -
skywalking/ 23-Feb-2025 13:20 -
sling/ 03-Mar-2025 11:23 -
solr/ 22-Apr-2024 15:07 -
spamassassin/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
spark/ 28-Feb-2025 06:42 -
sqoop/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
stanbol/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
storm/ 26-Jan-2025 01:25 -
streampark/ 06-Feb-2025 10:06 -
streampipes/ 17-Feb-2025 18:52 -
streams/ 06-Jan-2025 21:14 -
struts/ 03-Mar-2025 07:22 -
submarine/ 10-Jul-2024 12:45 -
subversion/ 09-Dec-2024 00:04 -
superset/ 04-Feb-2025 19:07 -
synapse/ 10-May-2023 19:30 -
syncope/ 30-Dec-2024 15:13 -
systemds/ 17-Mar-2024 04:58 -
tajo/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
tapestry/ 11-Feb-2025 22:19 -
tcl/ 17-Jun-2022 14:53 -
tez/ 15-Sep-2024 22:48 -
thrift/ 21-Sep-2024 15:06 -
tika/ 07-Feb-2025 01:14 -
tinkerpop/ 23-Jan-2025 23:37 -
tomcat/ 03-Jul-2024 18:40 -
tomee/ 28-Jan-2025 17:57 -
trafficcontrol/ 04-Oct-2024 18:05 -
trafficserver/ 31-Jan-2025 20:09 -
trafodion/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
tsfile/ 10-Feb-2025 08:22 -
turbine/ 24-Apr-2024 16:36 -
tvm/ 28-Jan-2025 04:41 -
twill/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
uima/ 04-Dec-2024 11:53 -
unomi/ 11-Dec-2024 14:52 -
usergrid/ 17-Jun-2022 14:53 -
vcl/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
velocity/ 30-Jul-2024 19:30 -
vxquery/ 17-Jun-2022 14:54 -
wayang/ 23-Jan-2025 10:28 -
wicket/ 31-Jan-2025 22:08 -
ws/ 17-Jun-2022 13:38 -
xalan/ 17-Jun-2022 14:55 -
xerces/ 17-Jun-2022 14:50 -
xmlgraphics/ 17-Jun-2022 14:50 -
yetus/ 02-Dec-2023 06:07 -
yunikorn/ 25-Jan-2025 07:39 -
zeppelin/ 31-Jan-2025 08:14 -
zookeeper/ 24-Oct-2024 19:33 -
zzz/ 03-Mar-2025 12:30 -
HEADER.html 16-Oct-2020 18:46 770
README.html 03-Mar-2025 21:35 108
favicon.ico 30-Nov-2018 08:44 1.6K